Petear can be used with and without connecting to the Internet. To work online, go here. The app provides the support for working offline with Petear. The Web-based application and the app can co-exist.
Working with documents is also supported in the Petear App. You can add documents and set annotations. You can also set annotations to documents that are already present in the meeting. When the participant has made notes to a meeting in the Web-based Petear application, these notes will be retrieved in the app.
When a participant is taking notes in the app and the app does not have access to an internet connection the notes will be stored in the app. Once the app has access to an internet connection these notes will be automatically synchronized with the web-based Petear. This ensures that you can not lose your notes. Wanneer de deelnemer aantekeningen maakt in de app, worden deze aantekeningen op het moment dat de app wordt gestart en er is verbinding met het internet, automatisch gesynchroniseerd. U kunt uw aantekeningen dus niet kwijtraken.
How does the app work
Petear can be used with and without connecting to the Internet. To work online, go here. The app provides the support for working offline with Petear. The Web-based application and the app can co-exist.
Working with documents is also supported in the Petear App. You can add documents and set annotations. You can also set annotations to documents that are already present in the meeting. When the participant has made notes to a meeting in the Web-based Petear application, these notes will be retrieved in the app.
When a participant is taking notes in the app and the app does not have access to an internet connection the notes will be stored in the app. Once the app has access to an internet connection these notes will be automatically synchronized with the web-based Petear. This ensures that you can not lose your notes.
Wanneer de deelnemer aantekeningen maakt in de app, worden deze aantekeningen op het moment dat de app wordt gestart en er is verbinding met het internet, automatisch gesynchroniseerd. U kunt uw aantekeningen dus niet kwijtraken.