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Inline text

With this function you can place small inline text on the document.
This inline-text is visible on the page and can be placed anywhere on the page.


Open the document and go to the page where you do want to add an inline text.
Click on the ABC button without a border. The background color of the button turns light gray.


Click on a location in the document where you do want to place the inline text.
A window opens. Beneath “Text” you can make the notes.


Under “color” you can determine which color the text will be.
Under 'Text style” you can modify the letter type and the size of the letters.


When you are done with your input, click [Save]. The window closed and the text is on the document.

Visual of adding a inline text


Change or delete an inline text

It is possible to change, delete and move an inline text.


Open the document in which you want to change an inline text.
Next, go to the page where the inline-text that you want to change is located.


Click on the inline text you want to change (the inline text window is now opened).
You can now change the inline text, when you are done, click on [Save] to complete the change.

You can move the inline text by keeping the mouse button pressed, subsequently you can move the inline text.

By clicking [Delete] the inline text is removed.

Attention! No confirmation is asked.