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Petear - paperless meetings


In Settings you can change your password and change language.

My settings

In the my settings section are your user settings and you can change your password:


Click [Settings] and click subsequently the white bar behind “Password”. Compose a password and enter.
Click in the white bar behind “Repeat password” and retype the password.


Click [Save]. If the password has been modified, at the top of the summary view of “My details”, a green bar appears with the text: “Information updated”.

The password needs to comply with the following requirements:

  • Minimum of 1 capital
  • Minimum of 1 number
  • Minimum of 8 characters
  • Maximum of (256) characters

Change personal details

The personal details will not be changed often, mostly only after logging in for the first time. Here the name and language can be modified.


Click [settings] and subsequently in the section with the personal details, click in the white bar behind “Name “and change the name.


Click on the bar behind the language and select the desired language which Petear needs to use.
Next click [Save] to save the changes.